
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Welcome to Mindframe Comics!

Hi Everyone!
My name is Brian & I would like to welcome you to my blog.  I am the creator of the cartoon panel, Mindframe.

Mindframe is an off-beat cartoon panel dedicated to capturing those elusive ideas - you know the ones. While at a restaurant you suddenly think about cow tipping. Or you wonder why hot buns wouldn't be cross? Or you imagine a fire hydrant at a bar, de-stressing after a long day on the canine-crowded streets: "My job is disgusting!" Mindframe is where such thoughts find immortality. Whatever shape your mind is in, good, bad, or rectangular, bring it on by.

I currently live in northern Wisconsin with my partner and two kids (the canine variety). Looking back, I think the pesticides used on the potato fields may have done something to my brain as a kid (I probably should have stayed indoors when the crop-duster flew across the fields).  Oh well... hindsight is 20/20 right?

I hope you enjoy Mindframe & check back here often to see my latest thoughts & cartoons.
